War For The Overworld

  1. War For The Overworld Creatures
  2. War For The Overworld Review
  3. War For The Overworld Untold Depths


War for the Overworld is developed by an independent team of fanatical developers, each with a true love of the dungeon management genre. We have continued to update the game since launch, with countless patches, balancing, polish, and many new features. Apr 02, 2015  Summary: War for the Overworld is a Dungeon Management Game that employs your favourite aspects of the RPG, RTS and god game genres. In War for the Overworld, you will play as a malevolent Underlord with unrivaled dark power and an insatiable desire for bloody conquest. In April 2015 when we first unleashed War for the Overworld, our take on a modern Dungeon Management Game, we could not have foreseen how incredibly well received it would be. Mar 31, 2015 This is Press Review Gameplay Footage of the 1st Campaign Mission in the Full Game Version of War for the Overworld, not Alpha or Beta Footage. This is Please don't forget to Subscribe to my. My Pet Dungeon is the chilled-out management experience in War for the Overworld - an eight-level campaign voiced by Richard Ridings and focused on exploration and discovery, where the only restriction is your own devilish fancy.

War For The Overworld
  1. Mar 16, 2018  In War for the Overworld, each and every Underlord is their own unique being. A dungeon is a direct reflection of an Underlord’s presence and individuality. By purchasing the Underlord Edition, you can don the Sovereign Dungeon Theme in Multiplayer and Skirmish to.
  2. May 19, 2019 War for the Overworld is a Dungeon Management Game that employs your favourite aspects of the RTS and God Game genres. You play an all-powerful, malevolent Underlord, long banished to the Aether. With unrivaled dark power and an insatiable desire for bloody conquest, you will arise once more, and reclaim your realm!

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Created by Subterranean Games (Now known as Brightrock Games), War for the OverworldWar For The Overworld is a Spiritual Successor to the venerable Dungeon Keeper series.

It was originally funded through Kickstarter and has since had a full retail and Steam release in on PC in April 2015. An expansion pack, Heart of Gold, was released in May 2016.

This game provides examples of:

  • Abnormal Ammo:
    • Crackpots throw potions in battle that explode.
    • Bafus will shoot out spines.
    • The tavern has a 'meat cannon' that fires bacon and sausages onto dining tables.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Lucius, the Emperor of the Empire is the strongest enemy unit in the main game, not that it helps him much as he chooses to fight alone. The Empire's nobility also put up quite a good fight once confronted.
  • A God Am I: Emperor Lucius, after taking the power of the Aum
  • Alchemy Is Magic:
    • Crackpots produce magical potions in their Alchemist Labs
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: As with DK you can torture captured minions and 'heroes' and convert them to your cause.
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  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: The Skargs.
  • Cassandra Truth: Underlord Marcus might get on your nerves, but he's absolutely right about everything he says.
  • Chewing the Scenery: Nearly every voiced character will do this, notably Mendechaus, Lord O'Theland, and Emperor Lucius.
  • Continue Your Mission, Dammit!: Several missions have timers where Mendechaus will constantly badger you about. When you're about to collect the Kenos, he will become very pushy about you defeating the enemy quickly (although there is no real reason). And in general, there are several lines that are triggered if you spend a long time playing a level, all of them sarcastic of course.
    • You're on a half-hour time limit in one mission. Expect either Mendechaus or your opponent to remind you of that roughly once a minute.
    • Spending more than a minute in your Home Realm, a place explicitly stated to be a place for you to relax and make a dungeon to your liking? Your oh-so-mindful voice in your head will badger you to get back to the campaign for about ten minutes.
  • Deadpan Snarker: In true Dungeon Keeper fashion, Mendechaus will occasionally pipe in his own wry observations along with status updates and advice (most of which is also rather wry and sarcastic).
    • Kasita, the female Underlord in the Subjugation Mission, loves to snark at the other Underlords.
  • Difficulty Spike: Heart Attack. Up to this point, you could effectively take your time for the most part, at worst dealing with an occasional band of mid-level dwarves, nothing your army of minions couldn't handle. Then comes this one, where you have to defend not only yourself, but another Underlord as well, from no less than 150 Heroes! And they take every possible route, so if you don't have defenses literally everywhere, prepare to be overwhelmed by their sheer numbers. And you get no breaks either, they all come one after the other, so taking some minions out to, say, convert enemies to your side is effectively a suicide attempt.
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  • Does Not Like Shoes: Among the intelligent minions and heroes: the Augure, the Chunder, the Succubus, the Frostweaver, the Beastmaster, the Witch Doctor, and the Matriarch are barefoot.
  • Dungeon Maintenance: The primary gameplay, where you have to mine gold, build rooms, keep your minions satisfied, and wipe out any heroes from destroying your Dungeon core.
  • Endless Game: You have access to your Home Realm which is this; there is an achievement for playing 10 hours in there (without any enemies appearing) which is about 9 hours longer than it'll take for you to dig it all out. There is also a Sandbox mode which is a similar set-up.
  • Enemy Mine: Level 4 has you kill Marcus, an Underlord who allied with the Empire to fight Mendechaus. Level 12 has you fighting 3 Underlords at once - These Underlords bear hostilities and grudges against each other but team up temporarily to steal your artifact.
    • A big one in the final mission. Mendechaus sides with an Aum-crazedEmperor Lucius and allows him to kill you, only for Kira, the goddess you've spent the entire campaign fighting against, to step in and save you so you can get back at them.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Your intelligent units, Mendechaus, your fellow Underlords, as well as Emperor Lucius.
  • Evil Is Visceral: Rhaskos's realm and dungeon aesthetics resemble the innards of a beast, with a literal heart to his dungeons to top it off.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Emperor Lucius becomes evil upon absorbing the sacred Aum.
  • General Failure: Lord O'Theland's strategic blunders will leave you in stitches. During the mission where you have to defend against his armies, he will literally shoutwhere exactly he will send his entrenched armies to attack your dungeon. If you don't rush his base, he'll send out 90% of his troops to their deaths.
  • God of Evil: Mendechaus.
  • Goddess Of Good: Kira.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: The Priestesses and Matriarchs of Kira wear gold and white. Emperor Lucius himself wears a gold-plated suit of armour.
  • Great Offscreen War: Some-time in the past humans defeated the Underlords and the 'God' Mendechaus and you've been summoned back into the corporeal realm to Take Over the World.
  • Healing Factor: Skargs, the insectoid beasts, can rapidly heal themselves if they have not dealt or taken damage for 30 seconds.
  • Heel–Face Turn:
    • Underlord Marcus betrays Mendechaus to join with the Empire. Inversely, Marcus's betrayal is a Face–Heel Turn for Oberon (the Underlord in the main campaign).
    • Oberon himself undergoes one in the expansion pack, though it is implied he may have been Good All Along and was only evil due to being brainwashed.
  • Horny Devils: The Succubus.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: The Empire's Lords, Highguards and Juggernauts.
  • The Juggernaut: One of the heroes is called this; he's a hulking brute wielding a large hammer, who is so tough he can walk through lava without suffering any damage.
    • The Augre, and the Behemoth you can eventually unlock, are your versions of this.
  • Large Ham: Nearly every voice, delightfully so.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: There's an achievement for doing this yourself on the final mission. Instead of completing any of the optional objectives just rush over to the Emperor and kill him.
    • Getting many of the achievements requires you to do this. Especially on the third level, where both level-specific achievements require you to kick in the front door of a defensible position rather than wait for them to come to you.
  • Logic Bomb: While playing around in your home realm Mendechaus can ask you if you're a machine; saying 'this statement is false' to test it. He's rather disappointed when it doesn't work.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: The Bafu has a piercing scream attack.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Mendechaus is based on 'mendacious', meaning to be deceptive. Rather fitting, as both Marcus and Kira warn the player not to trust the God of Evil.
    • Oberon (the player's Underlord in the main campaign) is German for 'noble and bear-like'. A possible namesake is Shakespeare's Oberon, the mischievous King of the Elves.
    • Mira ironically means 'peace' in Slavic/Czech languages. Mira becomes overwhelmed by the power of Kenos artifact, which drives her mad with ambition. Alternately, her name means 'the world', which would suit her ambitious spirit.
    • Kasita is likely related to 'conceited', to be vain and self-centered. This reflects Kasita's gold obsession in the first campaign and in her own campaign in Heart of Gold.
    • Draven is possibly named after a character from League of Legends.
    • Uther is named after King Arthur's father. The Uther in this game is Lucius's father.
    • Lucius means 'light' in Latin.
    • Kira has three possible meanings. In Russian, it means 'far sighted' or 'young'. In Irish English, it means 'dark haired'. In the game's introduction cutscene, Kira is depicted to be a young dark-haired goddess. Her Priestesses and Matriarchs also reflect her appearance in their own attire.
  • The Medic: The Cultist, and the Priestess. They also double as a Combat Medic with their active abilities when things get hectic.
  • Ms. Fanservice: The Succubi fulfil this role to a tee, possessing Absolute Cleavage and are basically nude. The Matriarchs are also quite attractive, as they don't wear a lot of clothing.
  • Mythology Gag: The second major hero you must kill is named Lord O'Theland.
    • The whole mission he appears in, as well as his plan of attack and cowardly manner, are reminiscent of fighting Lord Ironhelm.
    • Level 12 in War for the Overworld is a direct nod to Level 12 (Sparklydell) in Dungeon Keeper 2.
      • In addition, your Underlord's coloration is changed from green to red, the same default color of the player in Dungeon Keeper.
  • Power Floats: The Matriarch, the Eternal, Ember Demon, the Frost Weaver, and the Archon all hover in the air rather than walk.
  • Power High: A fellow Underlord Mira and Emperor Lucius will achieve this state during the first campaign.
  • Our Monsters Are Different:
    • Our Demons Are Different: The Succubi who are covered in Spikes of Villainy, but lack wings or tails like the regular succubi in popular culture.
    • Our Ghouls Are Creepier: Once you have a Crypt, your Necromancers can raise Ghouls from the fallen's corpses. These work as easily replacableCannon Fodder that rush straight into combat.
    • Our Goblins Are Different: They are called 'Gnarlings' and can assist your other minions in the barracks, increasing the rate they earn experience.
    • Our Liches Are Different: The necromancers in your dungeon have a decayed, rotting appearance reminiscent of liches.
    • Our Spirits Are Different: Units killed in your torture chamber come back as spirits that appear as floating heads; They are completely invulnerable and pass through doors, but can't interact or fight with other units.
  • Resting Recovery: All units rapidly regenerate health upon sleeping in their lairs.
  • Running the Blockade: One level sees you setting up shop right next to a mountain pass Empire troops must pass through to reinforce other regions. Once they discover you're there they'll send waves and waves of units to try to get through. Amusingly you can make sure that nobody makes it netting yourself an achievement.
  • Sequel Hook: Mendechaus sides with an Aum-crazedEmperor Lucius and lets him destroy you. Upon death. the Underlord is met by the goddessKira, who addresses you as 'Overseer'.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The standard food for minions are micro-piglets, a reference to Dungeon Keeper 2 where the announcer would occasionally say 'micro-piglets stalk your dungeon, beware'.
    • If you go into the options menu and max out the FOV slider, you get the achievement 'The Cynical Imp'.
    • A few of the timed achievements are titled 'Prison Architect', 'Saving Private Rhaskos', two combined are 'Shades of Grey' and '50 Shades'.
    • One of the ingame idle quotes is 'One of your creatures wants to get offMr. Bones' Wild Ride.'
    • There's an Underlord named Draven. True to type, he's also an arrogant, bloodthirsty lout who immediately starts flirting with a female Underlord. She addresses him back as 'Draaaven'. The achievement for beating him is even called Stand Aside (which is an ability belonging to LOL's Draven).
    • In Mission 8, one of the enemies shouts 'Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.'
    • Mendechaus will delightfully mention how 'a cocky spear-wielding Spaniardjust had his head crushed'.
    • When you have your units rallied under a banner together for a long enough period, Mendechaus will say: 'Let's do the Timewarp again!'
    • In Heart of Gold, you will fight a wizard named Mandalf the Maroon, who can be killed repeatedly and will change his attire's colour as well as his title.
    • After recovering the 3 lost artifacts in Mission 2 of My Pet Dungeon, Mendechaus will remark that 'precious artefacts and lava don't mix'. He then reminds you what happened with the 'One Ring'.
    • Mendechaus will ask you if your dungeon is sufficient enough to truly be the Darkest Dungeon.
  • Spikes of Doom: The Blade Lotus trap.
  • Spin Attack: The Gnarling does this with his 'Blade Spin' ability.
  • Spiritual Successor: To Dungeon Keeper, and it is not in the least subtle about it. It is practical a clone, though done developed with a lot of love for the original.
  • Stable Time Loop: It's strongly implied that the Underlord/Overseer is stuck in one if you watch the ending cinematic then the intro cinematic back to back.
  • Upper-Class Twit: Lord O'Theland. Mendechaus even describes him as a Spoiled Brat.
  • Willing Channeler: The Matriarachs serve as physical representations of Kira, and they are granted special divine abilities to use in combat.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: You are allowed to transform imprisoned units into gold statues, convert them into Mystery Meat for your Tavern to serve, just flat out execute them on a torture device in your Torture Chamber. You can also do the same to your own units.
  • Villain Protagonist: You're an Underlord, a mighty demonic hand of your sarcasticGod of Evil, Mendechaus. Not that the opposition is much better.
  • You Require More Vespene Gas:
    • 'You require more gold', 'You don't have enough gold to do that', 'You haven't got two coins to rub together Underlord; MINE MORE GOLD!'.
    • However, gold is rarely an issue, as most levels have at least one infinite block you can access; Mana is the real glass ceiling. Creating workers costs mana but for each one created (past the default five) it locks off a bit of your useable mana. Same with traps, which, once activated, lock off more mana. If you're not careful you can end up with barely any and unable to help your minions fight.

War For The Overworld Creatures


War for the Overworld
Developer(s)Brightrock Games
Platform(s)Windows, OS X, Linux
  • WW: 2 April 2015[2]
Genre(s)Real-time strategy, god game, dungeon management game

War for the Overworld is a real-time strategyvideo game developed by Subterranean Games, which changed its name to Brightrock Games based in Brighton, UK. The game started as a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, which ran from November 29, 2012, to January 3, 2013. In the game, players build dungeons containing deadly traps to kill adventuring heroes that enter.[3] The game is inspired by Dungeon Keeper, StarCraft, Overlord, and Evil Genius.[3] It includes a campaign, sandbox mode, and online multiplayer.[3]


Players construct dungeons to trap would-be heroes in a very early alpha version.

In the game, players assume the role of an Underlord tasked with building dungeons that contain deadly traps and enemies to kill wandering heroes.[4] The game starts with a blank slate and lets players choose where to 'dig, fortify, and build' to create their dungeon.[4] The game is played in real time, with the player actively making decisions while fighting occurs.[4] Armies of minions can be trained and commanded to vanquish foes, and spells are available which can injure enemies or assist minions during battle.[4] The game requires micromanagement to keep minions working, supplying them with food and gold.[4]



War for the Overworld started development in 2009 as a fan-made sequel to Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2.[5] Taking its name from the subtitle of the defunct Dungeon Keeper 3, the game went through several incarnations, starting with a version based on a custom OpenGL engine, and later Unreal Development Kit,[6] it was announced in November 2011 that a decision had been made to leave the Dungeon Keeper IP[7] and the team finally settled on using the Unity Engine, announcing the change in June 2012.[8]

Subterranean games went on to join with another indie developer called Rise Games who had been working on Epoch Saga: Shattered Shores, a role-playing game set in Atlantis.[9] announcing the collaboration September 2012.[10]

War For The Overworld Review

Funding campaign[edit]

On November 29, 2012, Subterranean Games launched a Kickstarter campaign for their game with a £150,000 goal set for January 3, 2013.[11] For every £75,000 the campaign receives, the developers plan to release one of twelve flex goals determined by vote.[3][12] These goals offer extra content for the game including more multiplayer and co-op content and a dungeon crawl mode which lets players be the hero in the dungeon scenario.[3] Backers—people that pledge during the campaign—are given rewards based on the size of their pledge.[11] Rewards include beta access, a digital copy of the game, and a copy of the game's soundtrack.[11] If the campaign reaches its base goal, the developers plan to release the game on Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux on August 30, 2013, and they would additionally release a modding tool to the community.[11] Called the Dungeoneer, it would allow users to create new maps, campaigns and game modes.[11]

On December 22, 2012 Dungeon Keeper creator Peter Molyneux praised Subterranean Games passion and strategy in making the game and asked people to pledge to the Kickstarter campaign.[13]

By December 29, 2012 the £150,000 target was made through Kickstarter pledges.[12] A total of £211,371 was reached at the end of the Kickstarter campaign on January 3, 2013.[14] Further pledges via PayPal increased the amount to over £225,000 on January 6, 2013 securing the first flex goal of Richard Ridings as narrator.[15]

War For The Overworld Untold Depths

Development and early releases[edit]

Manycam crack. An Alpha version of the game, dubbed Bedrock Beta, was released on May 15, 2013, allowing players to experience the game during development, as well as assist in development by reporting bugs and giving feedback on their experience.

On February 5, 2014, Subterranean Games sent out an update regarding the delayed delivery date, stating they 'were extremely naive with our initial estimate[.] as to how long it would take to release the game', without issuing a new release date, instead turning to Steam Early Access.[16]


The game was released on April 2, 2015.[17] A four level expansion, Heart of Gold, was released on May 27, 2016.[18] An 'enhanced sandbox' expansion, My Pet Dungeon, was released on April 3, 2017.[19]


The game has a score of 65% on Metacritic.[20]


  1. ^Subterranean Games (Dec 12, 2012). 'Subterranean Games Launches RTS God Game War For The Overworld on Kickstarter'. Develop.
  2. ^'WFTO Wednesday #109: Rated D for Delayed'. wftogame.com. Retrieved 25 February 2015.
  3. ^ abcde'War for the Overworld Kickstarter Campaign Underway and Screens'. GamersHell.com. Dec 12, 2012.
  4. ^ abcdeRainier (Dec 12, 2012). ''War for the Overworld' Announced, Seeks Crowd Funding - Screens'. Worthplaying.
  5. ^'War for the Overworld v0.1b'. Retrieved 22 August 2013.
  6. ^'Non-Paid Position War for the Overworld looking for extra team members [Archive] - Epic Games Forums'. forums.epicgames.com. Retrieved 2014-02-13.
  7. ^'News on the direction WftO'. Retrieved 22 August 2013.
  8. ^'Development Diary #1 – A New Leaf'. Retrieved 22 August 2013.
  9. ^'RiSE - Upgrade Your Game!'. Archived from the original on 2009-02-19. Retrieved 2014-02-13.
  10. ^'Development Diary #2 – Still Alive'. Retrieved 22 August 2013.
  11. ^ abcdeFarokhmanesh, Megan (Dec 9, 2012). 'War for the Overworld mixes strategy with god game mechanics'. Polygon.
  12. ^ abSubterranean Games (Nov 29, 2012). 'War for the Overworld by Subterranean Games'. Kickstarter.
  13. ^Subterranean Games (Dec 22, 2012). 'A Message From Peter Molyneux, The Creator of Dungeon Keeper'. YouTube.
  14. ^Yin-Poole, Wesley (Jan 4, 2013). 'Dungeon Keeper-style game War for the Overworld funded'. Eurogamer.
  15. ^Subterranean Games (Jan 6, 2013). 'Richard Ridings Unlocked!'. Kickstarter.
  16. ^'Kickstart Update 99'. Feb 5, 2014.
  17. ^'War for the Overworld out now!'. Apr 2, 2015.
  18. ^'Heart of Gold - Now Available'. May 27, 2016.
  19. ^'My Pet Dungeon & Patch 1.6'. April 3, 2017.
  20. ^http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/war-for-the-overworld

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to War for the Overworld.
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