KyPass Companion 1.9

KyPass is a Mac version of KeePass from Dominik Reichl. It saves many different information (user names, passwords, urls, comments, ) in one single database. The entries are sorted in groups. The integrated search function allows to search in the complete database. KyPass Companion allows you to have auto-fill function in your Chrome or Firefox browser like Lastpass or 1Password with your. Jun 29, 2017 KyPass is a Mac version of KeePass from Dominik Reichl.It saves many different information (user names, passwords, urls, comments, ) in one single database. The entries are sorted in groups. The integrated search function allows to search in the complete database.KyPass Companion allows y.

KyPass Companion 简介:

KyPass Companion for Mac是一款表单密码自动填充工具。它将许多不同的信息(用户名,密码,URL,注释……)保存在一个数据库中。条目按组分类。集成搜索功能允许在完整的OmniPlan Pro数据库中进行搜索。

KyPass Companion允许您使用keepasshttp插件在Chrome或Firefox浏览器中使用自动填充功能(如Lastpass或1Password)和Keepass数据库

  • 只需点击一下即可填写网页表格。
  • 允许同时使用多个Keepass数据库。
  • 将您的主密码保存在Apple Keychain中
  • 支持密钥文件。
  • 支持Keepass v1和v2。
  • OTP支持
  • 从kdb,kdbx或csv导入密码。
  • 直接从Menu Extra打开您的ssh会话或http页面。

KyPass is a Mac version of KeePass from Dominik Reichl.

It saves many different information (user names, passwords, urls, comments, …) in one single database. The entries are sorted in groups. The integrated search function allows to search in the complete database.

KyPass Companion allows you to have auto-fill function in your Chrome or Firefox browser like Lastpass or 1Password with your Keepass database(s) using the keepasshttp plugins

  • Fills out web forms with one click.
  • Allows to use multilple Keepass database at the same time.
  • Save your master password in Apple Keychain
  • Support key file.
  • Keepass v1 AND v2 are supported.
  • OTP support
  • Import passwords from kdb, kdbx or csv.
  • Open your ssh session or http page directly from the Menu Extra.


1.9 - TNT英文2018-07-223.4 MB


Developer:Miguel Vanhove

Current Version: 1.9.5

Last Updated: 1 month ago

Download Size: 3.4 MB - Download



KyPass is a Mac version of KeePass from Dominik Reichl.
It saves many different information (user names, passwords, urls, comments, …) in one single database. The entries are sorted in groups. The integrated search function allows to search in the complete database.
KyPass Companion allows you to have auto-fill function in your Chrome or Firefox browser like Lastpass or 1Password with your Keepass database(s) using the keepasshttp plugins
* Fills out web forms with one click.
* Allows to use multilple Keepass database at the same time.
* Save your master password in Apple Keychain
* Support key file.
* Keepass v1 AND v2 are supported.
* OTP support
* Import passwords from kdb, kdbx or csv.
* Open your ssh session or http page directly from the Menu Extra.

Release Notes:

bug fixes

Most Helpful Reviews

Version 1.9

Really good now - This product has been refined and improved to the point where it is clearly stable and works very well. I use it exclusively on my Mac for all my passwords, and I’m very delighted with how it works. The author keeps improving this app and it’s really very good for accessing keepass compatible databases (these work on PC’s as well as Macs and iOS). It’s very reliable, although it lacks the automatic features of some passwork keepers, it doesn’t screw up or lose things on me. And I don’t think this is as open to large scale hacks as the more commercial apps, because they don’t keep a copy of your data.

Must be 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible, 1024 x 768 Display Resolution, Internet (TCP / IP) play supported;Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers; LAN play requires Network card (Multiplayer)Important Note: Some cards may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Medieval II: Total War. Rome total war gold mac (full working).

Version 1.2

Silver screen 1.0.1. Even worse…. - My original review was 2 stars in hopes that several glaring bugs could be fixed, unfortunately the new version doesn't seem to have fixed any, and has added new even more annyoing bugs. For example, we can now auto-lock the password file after 5 minutes of inactivity (default), but even though there is a checkbox to disable that, it gets rechecked as soon as you close the Preferences window. The 'support' site is a joke, at best, and for $7.99 seeing *more* bugs with each release just isn't acceptable.Save your money if you haven't bought this yet, and wait for some bug fixes to be confirmed, or wait for the author to reprice at something reasonable for the current version - $0.99 perhaps.

More Reviews for Current Version

Version 1.9.5

Skypass Companion 1 9 Download

Version 1.9.5 still does not reload key file - In looking for a replacement for KeepassX I chose KyPass for the Mac because the iOS version worked very well for me. However I found in the Mac version if you use a key file for 2 factor authentication you must reload the key file every time. Besides being a general nuisance to all, it is even more irksome to users with a mac that supports touch id as having to reload the key file prevents touch id use. This issue was recognized in the previous version and appears not to have been fixed in this one.

Version 1.9.5

Fingerprint stopped working - Zero support from developer. FIngerprint stops working and the software is completely flakey. I've had it corrupt my password file multiple times.

Version 1.9.5

Kypass Companion 1.9 Minecraft

Works perfect, use it every single day. - Works perfect, I use this application every single day and its been very dependable for me.

Skypass Companion 1 99

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